Solusi "(7) Should / Have To Ask A Teacher Aren't Sure What To Do Lo 2 Rewrite The Sentences, Using The Corr..."

Selain mengerti teori, anak didik juga perlu mempelajari soal. Latihan soal akan membantu kamu mendapatkan hasil optimal dari proses belajar mengerjakan latihan soalnya. Mengerjakan ulang contoh soal ujian akan membuat anak sekolah memahami pola penyelesaian soal PR termasuk didalamnya proses untuk mendapatkan jawaban dari soal tsb. Melihat pembahasan soal ketika lupa justru akan membantu mempercepat pemahaman.

Oh ya, kami sudah menyiapkan 1 cara menyelesaikan dari (7) should / have to ask a teacher aren't sure what to do lo 2 Rewrite the sentences, using the corr.... Tak perlu basa basi, langsung saja baca cara menyelesaikannya lebih lanjut di bawah ini:

(7) Should / Have To Ask A Teacher
aren't Sure What To Do
2 Rewrite The Sentences, Using The Correct Form Of
must Have To And Should. For One Sentence Three
of These Verbs Are Correct. Which Sentence Is It?
1 We're Not Allowed To Text Our Friends In Lessons.
2 It's A Good Idea To Read Through Your Work Before
you Show It To Anyone.
3 My Brother Can Wear Any Clothes He Likes To School.
....... School Uniform.
4 Can You Advise Me Which Phone To Buy?
Which Phone
5 It Wasn't Necessary To Book Seats For The Concert.
6 It Isn't Very Sensible To Wear Your Best Shirt When
you Mend Your Bike.
7 Seat Belts Are Compulsory For Both Drivers And
Both Drivers And Passengers
please Jawab ​

Jawaban: #1:


Bagian 1

1. Should

2. Should

3. Must

4. Don't have to

5. Must

6. Mustn't

7. Should

Bagian 2

1. We should not text our friend in lesson

2. You have to read through your work before you show it to anyone

3. He don't have to wear a school uniform

4. Which phone should i buy?

5. We dont have to book seats for the concert

6. You dont have to wear your best shirt when you mend your bike

7. both drivers and passengers must wear a seatbelt


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