Solusi "A) Complete The Sentences In The Simple Present Tense In Affirmative Form.Ex. My Mom Sleeps (sleep)..."

Belajar pelajaran dengan tehnik menyelesaikan contoh tanya jawab ternyata lebih mudah dibandingkan dengan hanya membaca materinya saja. Dengan metoda ini teman-teman akan lebih cepat memahami makna dari mata pelajaran tsb sehingga dapat membantu anda lebih siap tes.

Oh ya, kami telah mempunyai 2 cara menyelesaikan tentang a) Complete the sentences in the simple present tense in affirmative form.Ex. My mom sleeps (sleep).... OK, langsung saja lihat kunci jawabannya lebih lanjut di bawah:

A) Complete The Sentences In The Simple Present Tense In Affirmative Form.Ex. My Mom Sleeps (sleep) Early Every Day.

1) I Always......(listen) To Music In The Morning.

2) We......(have) Pink Shirts At Home.

3) Kate And Cinthia......(like) That TV Show!

4) I Never......(watch) TV At Night.

5) We......(want) Something To Eat Now!

6) She......(like) Black T-shirts.

7) My Sister......(have) A New Pair Of Jeans.

8) He......(need) A New Uniform.

9) My Brother......(like) To Go Shopping At The Mall.

10) Ernesto......(play) Videogames Every

tolong Jawab​

Jawaban: #1:


1. listen

2. have

3. like

4. watch

5. want


7. has

8. needs


10. play


kl I, you, they, we, ato org yg lebih dr 1. itu dia verb nya gk pake s. contoh: give, share

kl he, she,it, nama orang, verb nya pake s.

contoh : gives, shares

Jawaban: #2:


1.I always listen to music on the morning.

2.We have pink shirts at home.

3.Kate and Cinthia like that TV show.

4.I never watch TV at night.

5.We want something to eat now

6.She likes black T-Shirts.

7.My sister has a new pair of jeans.

8.He needs a new uniform.

9.My Brother likes to go shopping at mall.

10.Ernesto plays video games every day

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NB: jawaban di atas belum tentu akurat karena yang menjawab belum tentu ahlinya. Harap gunakan solusi di atas dengan bijak. Bila anda belum yakin, cobalah untuk mencari sumber referensi lainnya yang terpercaya.

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