Solusi "Buat Kan Dialog Tentang Suggest And Offer In The Airport"

Berlatih mata pelajaran dengan cara menjawab contoh soal ternyata lebih efektif bila dibandingkan dengan hanya membaca materinya saja. Dengan strategi ini kita akan lebih cepat menangkap makna dari mata pelajaran tsb sehingga bisa membantu teman-teman lebih siap tes.

Oh ya, kami sudah menyiapkan 1 cara menyelesaikan dari buat kan dialog tentang suggest and offer in the airport. Monggo baca jawabannya selanjutnya di bawah:

Buat Kan Dialog Tentang Suggest And Offer In The Airport

Jawaban: #1: Passenger: Excuse me, I have purchased my ticket online, where do I go now?
Airport security: Sir, you will need to check in, come over to the flight booths over there to check yourself in and your items
Passenger: Oh my, okay then. Apologies officer, I am new to this kind of thing
Airport security: It's alright. Anything else you need?
Passenger: Yes, apparently I came here with a friend and he told me he'd meet me right here but so far he hasn't shown up, he said he'd be at the bathroom but he doesn't usually take this long in there.
Airport security: Right, I'll go see where you friend is, stay here sir. Do not go anywhere.

maaf ya kepanjangan, semoga membantu dan apabila salah mohon dibetulkan

Services resume after 20 flights were delayed due to thick fog in

airport fog runway flights delayed stansted shrouded force england air explained due were heavy weather rvr visual range flight century (sumber gambar:

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Pesan Admin: Jangan telan bulat-bulat, solusi di atas belum tentu akurat karena yang menjawab belum tentu ahlinya. Harap gunakan solusi di atas dengan bijak. Bila sobat belum yakin, cobalah untuk mencari sumber referensi lainnya yang terpercaya.

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