Solusi "Buatkan Satu Contoh Funny Experience!"

Belajar pelajaran dengan metoda menyelesaikan contoh tanya jawab ternyata lebih efektif dibandingkan dengan hanya membacanya saja. Dengan metoda ini sobat akan lebih cepat menangkap makna dari materi pelajaran tsb sehingga bisa membantu kita dalam menghadapi tes.

Kami telah memiliki 2 kunci jawaban tentang buatkan satu contoh funny experience!. Okey, langsung saja pelajari cara mengerjakannya selengkapnya disini:

Buatkan Satu Contoh Funny Experience!

Jawaban: #1: Wrong Guy
Every time I remember this, I always laugh. It
was so embarrassing moment. My friends were
laughing all day because of this incident. On the
same day I got the nickname as Mr. clumsy.
At that time I was 8 years old. My friends and I
were playing on the playground. We played a
game of hide and seek. We played happily. Until,
it was my turned to look for them. I was looking
for them one by one and managed to find it.
However, one of my friend named Hadi was very
clever in hiding. I could not find him. Then I kept
looking for him. I remembered that Hadi wearing
a red shirt and blue pants. As I passed the
elephant statue in the park, I saw a kid wearing
a red shirt and blue pants. Without thinking, I
immediately approached him. After getting close, I
pulled him and took him to my friends. I wanted
to tell them that I had managed to find him.
However, I became silent, when I saw Hadi was
near my friends. He greeted me "hey why did not
you find me?" I was confused. Then I saw my
friends laugh. Then I looked to the children who I
drag from near the elephant statue. I was
surprised that it was not Hadi but he was
someone else wearing the same clothes.
The boy looked at me with disgust. All of my
friends there were laughing at me. I was
embarrassed. I wanted to run out of there.
Finally, I apologized to the boy which I had been
pulled. Since then I was always called as Mr.
Clumsy by my friend. Jawaban: #2: Last month,i was skipped my school for 3 days.
And on the day 3,my teacher came to my house.. My grandpa called me " hey ali,your teacher is on the door! you should hide! "
And then I replied.." no should hide,not me "
My grandpa said " why me? "
" I told my teacher that my grandpa has passed away "
And then My grandpa chased me with a broom.o

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usyk oleksandr (sumber gambar:

Kalau anda masih mempunyai pekerjaan rumah lainnya, silahkan cari juga cara mengerjakannya di situs ini.

NB: jawaban di atas belum tentu akurat karena yang menjawab belum tentu ahlinya. Harap gunakan jawaban di atas dengan bijak. Jika anda belum yakin, silahkan gunakan sumber referensi lainnya yang terpercaya.

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