Funny Story In School Plis Buat Presentasi termasuk salah satu pertanyaan yang banyak dicari dan bisa teman-teman lihat solusinya disini.
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Funny Story In School
plis Buat Presentasi
Jawaban: #1: Penjelasan:
funny stories at school example
: today at school I was going to clean the class, but there was a friend of mine who threw away the banana peel garbage carelessly I scolded him but he stuck out his tongue and ran out of the classroom but he slipped on the garbage he threw away myself I laughed and scolded him
when I was about to have a school ceremony I was in a hurry so I wore a brown hat instead of a brown/red(SD)/blue(junior high school)/grey(high school) hat I was laughed at by my friends "I was embarrassed and went back to class
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