Solusi "Tolong Buatkan Sebuah Teks Tentang "funny Experience" Minimal 100 Kata"

Berlatih materi pelajaran dengan tehnik menyelesaikan contoh tanya jawab ternyata lebih mudah bila dibandingkan dengan hanya membaca materinya saja. Dengan cara ini kita akan lebih cepat mengerti intisari dari pelajaran tsb sehingga bisa membantu sobat lebih siap ujian.

Oh ya, kami sudah menyusun 1 jawaban atas tolong buatkan sebuah teks tentang "funny experience" minimal 100 kata. Monggo baca kunci jawabannya lebih lanjut disini:

Tolong Buatkan Sebuah Teks Tentang "funny Experience" Minimal 100 Kata

Jawaban: #1: I had an uncle and his name is Mr. Harto. He was 60 years old but he was still strong and brawny. Mr. Harto lived in Jakarta with his family and he liked to journey alone. My father was Mr. Harto's cousin and they very closed each other when my family stayed in Jakarta.
Last year, he went to Jogja alone and he called my father to take him in railway station. It was staggered me because Mr. Harto whom I knew didn't like to stayed in simple place like my home but it wasn't problem for him. Long time I didn't see him and he looked older and more senile.
The lamp in the toilet in my home was off. One day, I have an urgent to throw out my feces and I need toilet but there is Mr. Harto. I had waited it for a long time and finally he went out from there. After I finished it, I want to pour the closet but I see hidden that it could not clean perfectly. Then, I asked my mother to look for the lamp and I turned on the lamp. After that I shocked because I saw Mr.Harto's wallet in the hole of closet which mingled with my feces. I could not stop laughing silently with my mother because we felt not comfortable if Mr.Harto knew that his wallet in the hole.
Exactly, I felt disgusted but I shall take the wallet out use the wood while I closed my nose. Then, I cleaned it use the water and the shoap. My mother took out all content of the wallet and dry them with the fan and iron. After that, I asked my mother to bring the wallet back to Mr.Harto because I had not braveness. She lied to my uncle and said that she found it near the door of the toilet because we think it was not good matter to be said. Then, Mr. Harto fittingly knew there was strange thing in his wallet. He asked my mother why he smelled unpleasant in his wallet. Finally my mother could not hold it and she told him what happened with his wallet. Of course, all of us laughed out loud. There was not angry on my uncle's face moreover he looks so happy and do released laugh so I didn't worry about it.
This incident gave me a message that better to check the closet before use it. Exactly, the lamp or the lighting was very important for the toilet. That was my funniest experience in my life and I would never forget it. It was really absurd moment for my family.

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usyk oleksandr (sumber gambar:

Itulah cara mengerjakan tentang "tolong buatkan sebuah teks tentang "funny experience" minimal 100 kata" yang bisa kami ulas, semoga membantu!

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