Nah .. Jika teman-teman mau mendapatkan kunci jawaban atas soal turn the passive voice into active voice! 1.) ronald was hit by car last sunday 2.) the well is erod..., maka teman-teman sudah berada di situs yang tepat.
By the way, kami sudah mempunyai 1 ulasan tentang turn the passive voice into active voice! 1.) ronald was hit by car last sunday 2.) the well is erod.... Silakan baca cara mengerjakannya selengkapnya di bawah:
Turn The Passive Voice Into Active Voice! 1.) Ronald Was Hit By Car Last Sunday 2.) The Well Is Eroded By Water 3.) How Can My Book Been Brought By Him? 4.) Ali Has Been Awarded As The Best Boxer In The World By WBA 5.) These Pandas Are Saved By WWF
Jawaban: #1: 1. Last sunday, the car hit ronald2. The water erode the well
3. How can he brought my book?
4. The WBA award ali as the best boxer in the world
5. The WWF save these pandas

Nah itulah jawaban tentang "turn the passive voice into active voice! 1.) ronald was hit by car last sunday 2.) the well is erod...", semoga bisa membantu!
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