Turn The Passive Voice Into Active Voice! 1. Ronald Was Hit By Car Last Sunday 2. The Wall Is Eroded... adalah salah satu pertanyaan yang banyak dicari dan dapat anda temukan solusinya disini.
Btw, kami telah mempunyai 1 kunci jawaban mengenai turn the passive voice into active voice! 1. Ronald was hit by car last sunday 2. the wall is eroded.... Monggo baca cara menyelesaikannya lebih lanjut di bawah:
Turn The Passive Voice Into Active Voice!
1. Ronald Was Hit By Car Last Sunday
2. The Wall Is Eroded By Water
3. How Can My Book Been Brought By Him?
4. Ali Has Been Awarded As The Best Boxer In The World By WBA
5. These Pandas Are Saved By WWF
Jawaban: #1: 1. the car was hit by Ronald last Sunday2. the water is erode the wall
3. how can he bring my book?
4. the best boxer in the world by WBA has award to ali
5. WWF are save these pandas
sorry kalo slh

Nah itulah cara menyelesaikan tentang "turn the passive voice into active voice! 1. Ronald was hit by car last sunday 2. the wall is eroded...", semoga dapat bermanfaat!
NB: jawaban di atas belum tentu akurat karena yang menjawab belum tentu ahlinya. Harap gunakan jawaban di atas dengan bijak. Bila kamu tidak yakin, cobalah untuk mencari sumber referensi lainnya yang terpercaya.
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