Solusi "We Use It In Basketball Boxing And Ball ​"

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We Use It In Basketball Boxing And Ball ​

Jawaban: #1:


- One of the most important factors in basketball is the battle for rebounds            after missed shots.

- Boxing out is a skill that can help set you apart from the competition, but it does require practice just like any other part of your game.

1. Communicate after a shot :

f you see a shot being taken, yelling "SHOT!" is one way to let your   teammates know the ball is headed towards the basket. Communicating will help your teammates who did not see the shot get ready to rebound.

2. Locate your man/woman and make contact :

 At the same time, a shot is put up, you need to find the player closest to you and make contact with them so that you know where they are, and so your eyes can track the ball to the basket.

3. Seal the player in an athletic position :

You have made contact with the opponent and are watching the ball. Now, you must seal them off with your body so that you are in between them and the basket .

4. Back down away from the hoop :

 Once you have the opponent sealed, you can begin to push them away from the basket. This will create space in front of you where you can explode to the ball once it comes off the basket.

説明 :

ありがとうございました .

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